This post is the continuation of the ongoing series 'How to Publicize Your Next Blog Post' & through this post I'll try to clarify how Stumble Upon works.

Stumble Upon! Hope you know this name? If not, then let me tell you, Stumble Upon is a discovery search engine that searches sites submitted to them with tags. You can search weblog, photos, videos through stumble upon. It's fun & share the news with the world while visiting a site.

To use Stumble Upon to drive traffic to your site is just like another way to create a network, which takes time. To use it the most effective way, first signup with them & install the stumble upon toolbar on your Mozilla & IE browser, then hit the stumble! button to stumble few sites & let yourself aware how to use it.

To promote your own site & blog you need to stumble your articles with proper tags, make sure its containing proper tags. If you are submitting an article about search engine optimization with the tags like humor, cooking, then it won't pull much traffic fir sure. So make sure your tags are accurate.

Use a Stumble button within your blog post, just like mine (make sure to hit the stumble button to share this post). It will increase the chances of stumbling.

I strongly recommended not to stumble only your contents, it will leave a bad impression on others.

The most interesting way to use stumble is make friends, get interact with them, show them what you are going through, ask them to visit your site, stumble their contents & vice versa.

Just like others its a long time investment, more the time you spend, more traffic you will gain.

If you like this article then stumble it through the stumble button along with this post. You can also share this with Digg, Facebook & Twitter.

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This post is the continuation of the ongoing series 'How to Publicize Your Next Blog Post' & through this post I'll try to clarify how Digg works.

Though it's on e of the most powerful tool in todays social media, still most of the publishers ignore this, as they thinks this is too complicated. Through my study I have made the following conclusion.

1. Digg is not too complicated if you know how to use it.

2. It is a long term investment, If you spend time, it will pays you later.

So how to do all that messy stuffs?? Read the following.

To use Digg & hope Digg works on your behalf, you need few thing in order...most of that is under your control. Like...

# Content: Most important is Your Site Content, if they are useless, no one & i mean no one ever digg that. So make valuable contents first, then only hope to share that through social media.

# Submitter: For many hidden reasons this is Important. Few says if any old, already reputed member diggs your post first then it will see good vote up, but I guess it's a myth, as the only reason behind this is, they have large enough followers to vote the posts up.

# Use Digg badge within your post, that will help the members to digg it easily. Grab a button from here.

# Ask people to Digg: Ask your readers to digg the story if they like it.

# Choose the correct topic while submitting. It's important.

Remember one thing, though digg is one of the great way to pull traffic to your site, but it's not the end of the don't put your all efforts on digg alone.

Read the entire series here: 'How to Publicize Your Next Blog Post'

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Hello! Again, today I'm here to discuss about how to promote your newly published contents to the audience unknown. It's a tough challenge if you are an unknown name in this virtual world, Many giant websites have their few thousands followers to do the job, others have few thousand twitter followers or email subscribers. What if you don't have any such things? So it looks pretty hard, isn't it?

Through this series of 'How to Publicize Your Next Blog Post' I will teach you how to promote your contents through various ways such as Social Medias, News Submitting sites, Bookmarking sites, Email newsletters & many more.

On the introductory post I'm giving you the brief about what's coming on this site in next few days.

How to add loads of fans to your Facebook Fan page.
How to use Google Buzz for your business.
How to encourage others to share your contents.
How to create a long email follower's list.
How to share your marketing to various Article Submitting Sites to attract more traffic.
How to create a series to increase Page views of your site.
how to create internal Links withing your site.

If you follow these above 10 points, I would assure you that, they will attract a good number of traffics to your site in very short time. Here keep in mind that I'm not saying how to increase your page rank in search engines, but how to promote your individual posts, i.e., either newly published post of old one.

For best result, subscribe us via email or grab our RSS feed from above.
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Hey Guys! I have received lots od e-mails on the topic 'How to Increase the Effectiveness of AdSense of site.' So I though last night to start a series about how to earn more though AdSense. I know there are few hundreds if not thousands self proclaim honchos are there to give you advises, ask you or force you to buy there so call awesome products. I am not gonna do such thing, I'm here to share my own experience, Free Of Cost!!! very soon I'm going to publish my own e-book, & it will also free to download.

You need not to spend a single penny to know all the tricks that I have learnt during the past few months. All you need to do is Sign Up for the E-mail subscription & voilĂ !!! I will send you the Free E-Book.

Through this Series about AdSense, I will going through almost all the main aspects regarding how to increase your income through ads, I have seen many of new users, they have good contents but very low earnings, say 10 cents per day, which could be 10 Dollars per day, so something is mission! What's that, I am going to Teach You all that.

From Correct ads colors, to correct blending of ads, to right size, to correct placements & many more.

See you all soon! Till then you need a couple of Important things to do, Subscribe our newsletter & our Rss Feeds.

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This article is mainly for those who earns few pennies or merely few bucks a day through Adsense. There are tons of advisers keep saying many things like, you need lots of traffics, high paying keywords, perfect networking, social media marketing etc etc...

All the above advises are true, BUT you need something more...what they never told you...The secret of their you are wondering what is it? Read below to know it.

Long back Darren of Pro Blogger said this thing on one of his post, today I'm revitalizing it through this post, the secret is to create a Goal, A Goal that you could achieve soon, a more realistic one. By this I meant, If you are currently earning 1$ per day accumulating that 30$/month, try to set a goal of 100$ to achieve at the end of the month (which is the minimum payout).

By setting this goal, now set what you have to do with you site/sites to achieve this goal...For a newbie is a big amount (if you are earing above this set you target say 100$/month), so they have to work really hard to achieve this. But let's make it easier...

100$ per month = in 30 days
or, 3.33$ per day,
or, 13 cents per hour.

Only 13 cents per hour, how that's look small enough to boost your confidence. Even though earning a mere 13 cents/hour is a tough job for many. But make it looks simple, achievable, so that you can achieve it sooner. Best option create a wallpaper for your desktop/laptop & see it whenever you use your desktop/laptop. That will motivate you for real.

It's true that you need to drag lots of traffic to gets the clicks & to earn money, but without good contents you can't get that, most of the successful online entrepreneurs have huge numbers of repeated visitors; that surely doesn't build up over night, it takes time & yeah! Good Informative & Valuable Contents. If your reader is not satisfied from your first post he reads, he won't come back ever. I am a repeated visitor of many Prof Bloggers, as i found them valuable, many i didn't as they are writing craps, so you have to be on the good side of the war!!

So in a nutshell your Secret to Success in Adsense are:

#Good Contents.
# Repeated Visitors.
# Proper Social Media Marketing through Facebook, Twitter etc.
# Proper Keywords Research.
# Well Placed ads.
# .......................All the other variable affected your success
# Setting Your GOAL...say or per months.

Now share this to rest of your friends, to let them know, you are aware of the Most Important Secret of Adsense Success. Join us to know more about Tech, Social Media Marketing & SEO...BlogTipz

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No matter you are using Google Adsense for a long time or you are a newbie on this area, (read how to get an adsense account) finding right keyword is very much important, just like attracting loads of traffic to your site. Many people use adwords keyword searching tool to search high paying keywords, many even claim they have a list & sell it to you for few bucks. Many of the newbies always wonder how can few people earn thousands if not millions from adsense while they are earning merely few pennies each months.

I was reading many top bloggers blog on this topic for the last few days, what I have concluded through my little research was amazing & shocking also! Why? Read the following reasons below...

# Newbies if not long time users keep searching for high paying keywords, but never try to focus what they have already (their existing blog or site).

# Searching High paying keywords is for me wasting time. Why? As we all know most of the top paying keywords are from Finance & Insurance related, BUT how many of us really aware of Finance & Insurance so that w can write & create value to other? I guess less than 5%.

Read this example to Crystallize this matter:

Say, Out of total adsense users only 10% really know about Finance & Insu. but the total number of users who tries or keep trying to penetrate into this zone is 25-30% just because they pay high. If this is not their zone, when how could they add value? Slowly they shifted their focus to their own domain...

Moral: They looses few valuable bucks from they strong zone or domain, as they were too busy to snatch few bucks from Fin & Insu or similar niches.

So stop trying what you are with your strengths. If you know someone who knows the high paying keywords niches very well, only then try your luck on that, else don't waste your time.

# Just look at these high paying Adsense keywords below:

austin dwi
school loan consolidation
college loan consolidation
car insurance quotes
auto insurance quotes
school consolidation
consolidation college
consolidation student
student loan consolidation rates
sell structured settlement

Do you really think it's easy to get traffics for such keywords...The top earners keep saying one thing, High Paying Keywords = Low Traffic & Low paying keywords = Heavy traffic, you have to choose which way you wanna go...

Advise from me: Utilize whatever you have as your niche, use the right size & color for your ads (read tutorial here) to earn maximum from the site(s) you already have.

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If you have your website or blog they you must be familiar with SEO & Social Media Marketing. You need both of them to be a reputed or at least a familiar face in your niche. But hardly anyone can do both. If you know SEO better it’s a tough think to do social media marketing & vice versa.
Personally I do the social media marketing better than search engine optimization, as I am more into social media marketing for the last few years. Indeed these things are complicated & require huge time & efforts. You need to hire professionals for the perfect blend.

You know Google, we all know Google, mainly for its search engine; but slowly they are loosing their market share to Bing & Yahoo! Indeed they are concerned regarding the rapid expansions of Facebook & Twitter., current buzz of the social media. Oh! By the way do you still remember the Google’s own twitter, ‘Google Buzz’? I guess NOT!!! No body really does.

After the JV between Bing & Facebook the searches goes up…up…up…Google search is loosing significant market share. So what they are planning??? Possibly their own FACEBOOK!! Possibly the name of their new social network is ‘Google Me’ or ‘Google +1’.
The possible candidate of the new Google social media is +1 or plus one. Currently they are planning how to beat Twitter on the sector of micro blogging kinda thing, but certainly they can’t use @Google for this as they are directly ripping off this famous Twitter syntax. So they have to figure out something unique & east to use syntax.

One thing I personally can assure you that, it’s Google & they are the spoil brat of the house, spending money it’s not an issue for them, so they are the competitor of giants like Facebook, Myspace & Twitter.

Facebook’s one of the main source of income is ads on the right hand corner, Google has their own Google Adsense, so they have better chance to make profit from it.
Buzz (Not Google Buzz!) is in the air, that Google is trying to buy MySpace or Twitter to be in a good competitive position on the market…

One last advice to all SEO experts who thinks Social Media is not that much, so wait few more months & Google will run you down all.

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Last August Google launched for it's Gmail users a new type of incoming mails filter; Priority Inbox. Almost 6 months later they launch the same feature for mobile devices too.

After the initial launched for Gmail only, they expand the priority Inbox feature to Gmail Android app; now the same features on mobile devices too. Now anyone access this feature through any portable device.

There was a time when in the morning we had to open our gmail inbox & searching for any important mail throughout the mails clusters. In gmail we had three types of features, a) all mails, b) unread mails & c) stared mails. Now based on our
choice, Gmail will determine which is important to us & deliver that right before our eyes. But don't worry, you have other mails too, just below your Priority Mails.

Google says that Priority Inbox will work in most mobile browsers that support HTML5, including those on devices running Android 1.5 or higher and Apple's iOS3 or higher.

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This is the age of dot com (.com) & World Wide Web, almost everyone wants to start their own website & want to share his/her views about one or more than one niche on which he/she has expertise. But very few actually start a website, especially in the 3rd world.

Building a website is basically 3 steps process...#1 Domain Registration--->>#2 Selecting the Host Server to host your site--->>#3 Create the contents & upload it on the server.

Sound pretty difficult huh! It's pretty much easy if you follow this guide. First choose you Niche. Niche is the area of your expertise, where you can write & create value addition. Then select a small yet effective name for your site (we call it Domain name registration). If you have already chosen that, 1/3 of the job has done.

Now you have to choose the Web histing servers, to do so i have done a survey of my own, gather data from the internet & calculates the reviews of others & conclude on few really good web host names. You can rely on these industry leader easily, as most of the professional tech savvies are gives their thumbs up...

What i have found through my survey is almost all the website hosting review sites have voted 'Inmotion' as #1 web hosts. They are dedicated their service to Business web hosting. They charged their customers only p.m. with unlimited space & bandwidth along with a free domain name Isn't it cool??!!

#2 Webhosting Hub: With just p.m.they are giving you unlimited space & bandwidth & a free domain name. They are famous for personal web hosting.

#3 iPage: With them you can host unlimited domain, Anytime money back guarantee & bonus extra with just p.m

#4 WebHostingPad: With just p.m. you can host your site, the good news is they will provide your domain name for free forever.

#5 HostGator: With just p.m. you can host your site here. You can use unlimited space & bandwidth with them.

Web hosting providers ranked by the best price-value ratio. Host reliability, uptime, key features, bonus features, customer support, past and current user feedbacks, user-friendliness and hosting awards have been taken into account as well.

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I was reading an article on a very reputed site where a gentleman discussed about how to track out the anonymous commenter on your site or blog. It's highly possible that someone intentionally try to hamper your image, your sites image. So how to stop them? Well hes said over there that only trained professionals can do such things. Well with due respect i completely disagree with this. Why? Well read below to know why?

I am using internet for the last 10 years or so...& i know how to track anyone down...but hey! You don't have to be a tech savvy to track your culprit. You can do that with one simple widget/tool. I know i have discussed this way back in December (read here), but i guess i have to write this again to let you know that no one & i mean no one can escape if you use this simple Free (Optional-Paid) tool. The name of it Web-Stat.

If you know about this, they i guess you are using this fantastic visitors tracker widget. It's free for 30 days. You can track anyone who visits your site/blog 24*7. Here with web-stat; you can track their IP Address, OS, visiting Time, page views etc.

Now you just need to know on which page someone makes any bad comment, then view the time of the comment, open your web-stat account, track him down by IP & City, if you have any know enemy; You can just check his area of living & if possible internet provider. If they matches, you can even report this to your local police.

Now that make sense or not. Now anyone can't even think of making bad comment on your website or blog. If they do, you have a nice piece of tool to catch them red handed.

If you consider this as an effective info. then share this on Twitter & Facebook to let your friends & foes know that you are aware of this.

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Increasing Twitter powers is an important task any company today. As we all know twitter is one of the fastest growing social media to interact with new people. More the followers you have, more popular you are.

May be it's a million dollar's question that how to increase the twitter followers? Many of the companies are offering real twitter followers for say or so...BUT did you's illegal. According to the Twitter Agreement, you just can't do such things. So how can you really increase Twitter Followers...

I can Tell you few nice ways to increase your followers in real quck time.

First, Always tweet about your most powerful areas, say if you have a Tech related website, then tweet often relating to latest happenings on your niche (here tech).

Second, Follow others as much as possible, If you follow 100 accounts, you can expect at least 60 of them stars following you (if not they are celebs or big size sites/companies).

Third, use @ (mention tag) to tel your followers/ person you are followings about your view. People love, if you give them importance.

Fourth, Link your twitter, facebook fan page, website & other social networks together, this will help you to grow more.

Fifth (last), use Twiends! its an awesome tool to increase real twitter followers. to know more about twiends read here.

Hope You guys like my post.

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Although social media marketing has become extremely popular in today's day and age, there are still many businesses that haven't figured out how to do it right. Using social media to build a functional online community that actually benefits your company is harder than it may seem. Even if you know the important of making a good online impression and image for your company, you may be unsure of how to go about doing it. Here are some Internet marketing tips that will help you build an online community that will increase brand awareness and loyalty as well as drive traffic to your Website and encourage purchases.

First, identify your business goals and objectives. What do you want to accomplish with your online community? Do you want to increase brand awareness and enhance your company's online image? Do you want to have a direct network where you can announce promotions and new product launches? Do you want to enhance your customer service? Luckily you can do all of these things with a social media network. However, it's important to define your exact goals so you and your staff know what to focus on. Also, think about your target audience. What kind of information would they be interested in reading? You want to make sure your online community is a place where your target audience/customers can meet their objectives. Otherwise they will not have an incentive to come to your network. So whether their objectives are to learn about the business's promotions and new products or have somewhere to talk to others about similar interests, make sure your social network is able to meet theirneeds.

Get personal. One thing to keep in mind about social networks are that they are place where people go to interact with other people. This means that the more human your make your company appear on its social network, the better. In order to accomplish this, you must talk to your audience in a conversational, casual tone. Make them feel like they are talking to a friend rather than a huge corporation. This will increase their trust in your company and therefore make them more likely to do business with you. However, keep in mind that getting too personal is never a good thing. Have your company on the brain when you post or tweet, and ask yourself, is this something my customers would appreciate or am I going too far? You are a business after all, so you must maintain some professionalism without being too stuffy.

Become an industry expert. Social networks can help you become a source for news and information that deals with your industry, which is a great thing. Post relevant breaking news stories, trivia, tips, trends and advice that deals with your industry and people will keep coming back to read more. This also enhances your company's credibility, which will motivate people to do business with you rather than your competition. It will also ensure that your site comes up in conversation when people talk to their colleagues and friends. Becoming an industry expert will help your company gain and maintain the trust and loyalty of your customers as well as get more leads that will hopefully turn into sales.

Find out what they think. Social networking is a great way to find out what your customers think about your company, products or services. If you just launched a certain service or product and want to know if your customers approve, just tweet or post the question on Twitter or Facebook (or both) and watch the mentions, direct messages and comments fly in. People love sharing their opinion, so asking a question is one of the best ways to engage your audience. Gaining valuable opinions from customers will allow you to shape your products or services to better meet their needs, which will increase customer satisfaction and sales for you.

Give online community members privileges. Giving your online community members special privileges, promotions or information will give them an incentive to join the community. It's important to provide an incentive to stay active within the community, so try giving members weekly specials, monthly contents, daily breaking news and more. If you're launching a new product, make sure your online community members are the first to know. The more special access to new information, discounts and contests you give your members, the more they will talk about how fun your community is and spread the word to their friends, family and colleagues.

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There's a lot of fuss surrounding social media these days. If you still haven't jumped on the bandwagon and aren't sure why so many people are making such a big deal about it, here are 14 benefits of social media for your business and you from Success magazine.

For Business:

Establish a brand and raise awareness. Since the majority of the population is already visiting social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, getting your brand name all over those networks can help let people know that you're around. If you have yet to create a company image online, social networks are the place to do it. Create a fun YouTube video that entertains and informs. Funny videos tend to make their way around the Internet a lot faster than any other kind, so when making a video, keep in mind that you want it to be interesting enough for your target audience to want to share. Using Facebook and Twitter to create a fun online community that your customers will want to visit will increase brand loyalty and drive traffic to your Website, allowing you the chance to make more online sales.

Spy on the competition. Follow your competitors on Twitter and Facebook and you’ll be able to see what they have up their sleeve. Just make sure to offer a better deal than whatever they have going on.

Pitch products in a more human, interactive way. Since people visit social media sites to get personal rather than be bombarded with ads, discuss your business in a fun way and engage your customers with questions. Ask their opinions and entice them to respond back. This way you’re making a valuable connection that will help increase your number of return customers.

Bring attention to your products. Featuring a product on a social media site is one of the fastest ways to bring attention to it. Offer a promotion along with it for your online community members and watch your sales skyrocket.

Increase customer loyalty and trust. Speaking to your customers in a personal way will make them feel like their talking to a friend, not a company. This will help increase their trust in you, which will make them do business with you rather than your competition. It will also increase the chances of customer recommendations.

Listen to your customer's opinion. Social media sites are an awesome way to see what your target audience is saying about your company or your products. Take their constructive criticism and use it to enhance your product to better meet their needs.

Conduct market research. Listen to what your customers say about your products and track what links they click on and you'll begin to see what your customers like and respond to. People love to express their opinions on social media sites, which will allow you to hear the truth. Then you can use your new-found information to tweak your product or service to please them as well as continue to post more information and links that they will enjoy.

Increase customer service. Social media networks allow your company to answer your customers' questions and concerns directly in a timely manner. This will improve customer satisfaction and also save you money on long distance customer service phone calls.

For You:

Build your personal reputation. Social networks allow you to get your name out to the world and talk about things that matter to you. This will help you build a good online reputation, which is critical nowadays if you're looking for a job or even a new business contact.

Display your resume. LinkedIn allows you to display your full resume online for any future employers or recruiters to see. This will help bring you new opportunities that never would have existed otherwise.

Find a job. Jobs are posted every minute on social networks like LinkedIn and Twitter along with the links or information you need to apply for them.

Showcase your talents and establish yourself as an expert. If you're passionate about a certain subject, whether it's work-related or a hobby, the Internet is a great place to show off your knowledge. Soon people will be coming to you for the breaking information on that topic, and talking about you to friends.

Increase your business contacts and enhance personal relationships. Through professional sites like LinkedIn, you can build your number of business contacts and enhance your reputation as an expert in your industry. You can also connect with those long-lost high school and college classmates, old colleagues, and out-of-town family members.

Share information with like-minded people. Connect with other professionals in your field to share information. Where else would you be able to connect with industry professionals across the globe to swap stories and advice?

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The craze of social networking is increasing worldwide, & world second largest population, India is no exception. I am writing this article to share the current trends of social networking in India in 2011. My Top 10 Social Networking Sites List is as follows.

As we all know the name of Alexa, I have created this list based on Alexa ranking of Indian sites.

10. Perfsoft: with Alexa ranking 3700 it's on the 10th position of social networking sites list.

9. BigAdda: It's a newly launched site by ADAG Group, with the alexa ranking 989 it's on number 9.

8. Fropper: It's another nice site of social gathering. Alexa ranking 647.

7. Hi5: Though this site is not as much popular in India as is is in Hokg Kong or Angola, but still they are successfully holding their 7th spot. with alexa ranking 359.

6. MySpace: Though it's mainly popular in US & mainly attracts music lovers, though it has a huge number of Indian audience. Alexa ranking 117.

5. Bharat Student: It's initially was very popular, but now slowly it loosing it's zing. Alexa ranking 57.

4. iBibo: It's mainly doing well due to it's social gamings. Alexa 24.

3. Orkut: One time leader among social networking sites in India, but now slowly it's loosing the charisma due to Facebook. Alexa 17.

2. LinkdIn: Due to the Corporate Social Networking niche, it's gaining huge popularity in India with alexa ranking of 11.

1. Facebook: Facebook is the best social networking site at present and the second most visited site in the world after Google. In India it got 3rd rank.

Hope You like my effort & make sure to comment below about your favorite social networking site.

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Good News to all Facebook Fans...According to

Facebook is about to launch a commenting platform to compete with the likes of Disqus and other third-party services.

  • Users can use the platform by logging in through Facebook Connect or Twitter.
  • Comments are threaded, and can be voted up.
  • Comments are synced across a publisher’s site and Facebook Page, meaning that a comment made on a publisher’s site will show up on its Facebook Page, and vice versa.

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