This article is mainly for those who earns few pennies or merely few bucks a day through Adsense. There are tons of advisers keep saying many things like, you need lots of traffics, high paying keywords, perfect networking, social media marketing etc etc...
All the above advises are true, BUT you need something more...what they never told you...The secret of their you are wondering what is it? Read below to know it.
Long back Darren of Pro Blogger said this thing on one of his post, today I'm revitalizing it through this post, the secret is to create a Goal, A Goal that you could achieve soon, a more realistic one. By this I meant, If you are currently earning 1$ per day accumulating that 30$/month, try to set a goal of 100$ to achieve at the end of the month (which is the minimum payout).
By setting this goal, now set what you have to do with you site/sites to achieve this goal...For a newbie is a big amount (if you are earing above this set you target say 100$/month), so they have to work really hard to achieve this. But let's make it easier...
100$ per month = in 30 days
or, 3.33$ per day,
or, 13 cents per hour.
Only 13 cents per hour, how that's look small enough to boost your confidence. Even though earning a mere 13 cents/hour is a tough job for many. But make it looks simple, achievable, so that you can achieve it sooner. Best option create a wallpaper for your desktop/laptop & see it whenever you use your desktop/laptop. That will motivate you for real.
It's true that you need to drag lots of traffic to gets the clicks & to earn money, but without good contents you can't get that, most of the successful online entrepreneurs have huge numbers of repeated visitors; that surely doesn't build up over night, it takes time & yeah! Good Informative & Valuable Contents. If your reader is not satisfied from your first post he reads, he won't come back ever. I am a repeated visitor of many Prof Bloggers, as i found them valuable, many i didn't as they are writing craps, so you have to be on the good side of the war!!
So in a nutshell your Secret to Success in Adsense are:
#Good Contents.
# Repeated Visitors.
# Proper Social Media Marketing through Facebook, Twitter etc.
# Proper Keywords Research.
# Well Placed ads.
# .......................All the other variable affected your success
# Setting Your GOAL...say or per months.
Now share this to rest of your friends, to let them know, you are aware of the Most Important Secret of Adsense Success. Join us to know more about Tech, Social Media Marketing & SEO...BlogTipz

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Adsense Tutorial
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