Do you have your approved Adsense account?? Great! But sad with very little income, many of you are keep saying, Adsense are taking their money, why they are earning so less, as others making millions from it? Well the answer is simple! Read the instructions below how to boost up your earnings...
1) It doesn't matter what is your subject, you must be well knowledgeable about the subject. I asked the experts of Adsense, they simply advised me one thing, Only One thing can bring you money, that's 'Rich Contents'. One proverb is very popular in Adsense world "Content is King". It's a fact indeed.
2) What ever is your Niche, Find the Niches 'Keywords' quickly, and one its done, keep using it on your site. Remember Adsense is Contextual based advertisement. They show relevant ads based on your posts.
3) Keep writing everyday, this is very important, Google Search and others love fresh articles, so keep writing.
4) Select the money making ad formats; there are few well known money making formats available on Adsense ads pallet. these are:
336 x 280 Large Rectangle160 x 600 Wide Skyscraper728 x 90 Leaderboard5) Choose the right colors for your site, so that ads looks no more like ads. it's a key thing. Many Pros keep saying this, as todays people are ads blind, they just ignore any kinds of ads, make sure your ad doesn't not looks like an ad. I know many sites (Including Blogs) they have a decent loyal visitors, but they earn very less, due to their bad ad placements, and I strongly recommend ONLY CHOOSE IMAGE ADS IF YOU HAVE FEW THOUSANDS VISITORS EACH DAY. Else its a waste! Why?? well most of the Banner ads (Image) are paid on CPM basis; and i just said minutes ago that today';s people are ads blind, so their are very less number who will click on your ads and help you to make money. By putting Text ads, you are inviting them to read those ads; which helps you to make money. Have fun! More info soon! Share with us any of your own tips, if you have. Regards, B.T. |
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Adsense Tutorial
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