Ever wonder what people across the globe behind your back! While you are sleeping, or roaming across the streets of your city. With TweetBeep I have a perfect solution for this problem.
It works just like Google Alerts. You can set the alert on almost anything related to Twitter, such as your name, your twitter id, website url etc. Now when you the the alert, each time anyone on twitter discuss anything about you, you will receive an e-mail. Isn't it cool? This TweetBeep is completely free to register, you have a choice to upgrade yourself to a premium customer with just /month for more personalize service.
This tool is working fine, i have personally checked it & definitely want to tell you all that do join to know who is talking about you, what they are talking about...
Share this on Twitter & Facebook with all your friends, remember its very effective if you are running a business.
For more update join us @Twitter.

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