How to make Twitter more useful? Well; have you ever knew about this Twitter search? If not read further.
Here is the first of the two powerful search engine... Twitter search. Through this twitter search you can easily search anything (ex- I typed Samsung; thus all the related results were available). This is just awesome toot to find what you need. May be it's not as powerful as Google search, but you can find anything & everything on twitter.

The second part is the advanced feature of twitter search. just want results nearby your city/ worry use twitter search advanced feature. Say you are in Bangalore & want to search about latest gadgets nearby, you just need to type gadgets in the search bar, followed by Bangalore as your city & other required fields if you think necessary. You even can search Jobs through this advance search.

Day by day social media marketing is growing faster & faster...& Twitter is no exception. Though they are on the top 10 list by Alexa; they still improving to pull more traffics. This is what I call true social media marketing.

If you have anything to share, feel free to tell us via comment.

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