Mobile Number Portability (MNP) is

finally here in India. Now you can change your service provider anytime during the year without changing your number.
Here is how...
Send an SMS to 1900 in following format: PORT - eg. PORT 9876543210. (no such number i guess).
You will get an SMS reply that contains a unique porting code. You need to fill up this number on your new application form.
SMS to the preferred operator quoting the unique code. This code is valid only for a few days. Folks you need to do hurry, cuz if it expires, you need to repeat the step 1 again.
Now the tricky part, your operator will check the all your dues, if no outstanding then they will proceed your work.
You will get an sms within 7 days, that you are good to go...
If everything's well, your new operator will inform you through sms.
Meanwhile, your cell phone will keep working but on the last day of your old number your sim card will be deactivated for a couple of hours.
This offer is available throughout the country: Vodafone, Airtel, BSNL, Aircel, Idea, Reliance, Tata DoCoMo along with others will be affected by this MNP.
Helpline Numbers: (toll free)
Vodafone's 1800 1234567
Airtel 1800 103 1111
Idea's 1800-270-0000
Aircel 9802098020 (exclusive MNP helpline for non-Aircel users) or visit your nearest Aircel Store.)
BSNL 09400012345.
Hope this will help you. Share this news with all your friends via Facebook & Twitter.
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Mobile Number Portability
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