If you are interested earning money through ads, then read carefully through this post.
Few years back when Google launched adsense, the only motive behind that was give the publisher as well as advertisers best possible service. They did...
If you are new to this program then you need patience, don't think money will start flowing towards you right-way. What you need is time to develop your site, it's contents, not least saying the ad positioning.
Few tips i want to share from my own experience:
1. Put a Banner ad on the top of the article title. The reason behind this is simple, just after the page loading in-front of your visitor, they will try to see the content so they will scroll the page, & guess what! they will see your ad unit.
2. Try to keep your ads matching with your site's text colors. Todays visitors are very smart & born to ignore ads (i guess even you switch the channels during ads)
3. Even before you put your first ad unit, complete your analysis of keywords. Its important as bad keywords let you down in the term of money.
4. The big player of Adsense keep saying one simple phrase "Content is King" but today i can tell you another simple ground rule, that is Traffic is a king too...If your site have enough traffic, you have a good chance to earn more. For example Indian Railways earn Rs 10 Cr each year through adsense. they have all CPM ads...just wonder how is it possible?? Answer is simple...they have a huge number of traffic each day.
5. Keep experimenting is another key. Surprise your repeat visitors by switching image ad unit to a fully texts based ad unit, they might though its something new...more they look, more they click on it...more chances you will earn.
That's it for today, i believe in making things simple...& to make your adsense experience simple just follow the rules i have mentioned above.

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Adsense Tutorial
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