Samsung widescreen LCD Monitors Price in India:

Here are few available pricing catalog of Samsung widescreen LCD Monitors.

Samsung 943BWX 19-inch widescreen LCD monitor(1440×900)–Rs.9,300
Samsung 2032MW 20-inch widescreen LCD monitor with TV functions(1680×1050)–Rs.12,400
Samsung 2043BWX 20-inch widescreen LCD monitor(1680×1050)–Rs.9,300
Samsung 2253BW 22-inch widescreen LCD monitor(1680×1050)–Rs.12,400
Samsung 225MW 22-inch widescreen LCD monitor with TV functions(1680×1050)–Rs.15,500

Samsung 226UX 22-inch widescreen LCD monitor with USB support(1680×1050)–Rs.17,500
Samsung T220/T240 22-inch widescreen LCD monitor(1680×1050)(1920×1200 for T240)–Rs.14,000
Samsung 245B+ 24-inch widescreen LCD monitor(1920×1200) –Rs.16,000
Samsung 2493HM 24-inch widescreen LCD monitor(1920×1200) –Rs.18,900
Samsung 2693HM 25.5-inch widescreen LCD monitor(1920×1200) –Rs.35,000
Samsung 305T 30-inch widescreen LCD monitor(2560×1600) –Rs.57,000

[Pricing are indicative only]

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