This post is the continuation of the ongoing series 'How to Publicize Your Next Blog Post' & through this post I'll try to clarify how Digg works.

Though it's on e of the most powerful tool in todays social media, still most of the publishers ignore this, as they thinks this is too complicated. Through my study I have made the following conclusion.

1. Digg is not too complicated if you know how to use it.

2. It is a long term investment, If you spend time, it will pays you later.

So how to do all that messy stuffs?? Read the following.

To use Digg & hope Digg works on your behalf, you need few thing in order...most of that is under your control. Like...

# Content: Most important is Your Site Content, if they are useless, no one & i mean no one ever digg that. So make valuable contents first, then only hope to share that through social media.

# Submitter: For many hidden reasons this is Important. Few says if any old, already reputed member diggs your post first then it will see good vote up, but I guess it's a myth, as the only reason behind this is, they have large enough followers to vote the posts up.

# Use Digg badge within your post, that will help the members to digg it easily. Grab a button from here.

# Ask people to Digg: Ask your readers to digg the story if they like it.

# Choose the correct topic while submitting. It's important.

Remember one thing, though digg is one of the great way to pull traffic to your site, but it's not the end of the don't put your all efforts on digg alone.

Read the entire series here: 'How to Publicize Your Next Blog Post'

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